Wednesday, April 30, 2008

what's new in my CBG world

Well it's a bit quiet because I'm busy decorating the house. No new builds on the go at present but I have lots of ideas bubbling though. You'll have noticed the new look of the site and I'm continuing to develop that theme in my other CBG promotional stuff. I've redone my help sheet that I give away with guitars and some labels for the guitars and amps. I've bought photoshop elements to help me with artwork.

Also bought Cakewalk music creator 4 for recording and mixing down some music. I'd like to experiment with some more home grown music and have a few ideas simmering. Been brainstorming some cool track titles and written a few lyrics - that's a new direction though I doubt if I'll ever do any vocals myself. I'd love to create my own album eventually.

Working on a zine about CBGs and other stuff too. If it comes off it will be a mix of CBG building tips, blues facts, cool photos and artwork and generally stuff that's real and basic and wholesome and home made. Keep tuned in here.


Anonymous said...

Hi David,
I like the new look of your CBG website. Easy to read and lots of "stuff" to be found there for other CBG fanciers. I do have one bit of constructive criticism though. The introduction box at the top, with the background photo of wood, has some areas that are too dark and it makes it impossible to read what you've written in those parts. Not sure if you'd want to lighten up the photo just a bit, or maybe you feel that most people can sort out the few words that are lost there.

David said...

Thanks Art.

Anonymous said...

Hi David,
Look forward to seeing the zine. Sounds like a winner :-)
